For any Simpson StronTie products not listed here, email with the model number and we will send pricing. |
Adjustable Post Base |
Adjustable Post Base w/Wind Uplift |
Retro Fit Post Base |
Part # ABA44(66)Z |
Part #ABW44(66)Z |
Part #RPBZ |
The ABA and ABW designed to attach wooden posts to existing concrete in medium-capacity applications. The built-in 1" standoff of this adjustable post base helps to prevent rot at the end of the post. The ABW has a slotted anchor hole in the base for adjustability and attaches to the post with nails or Strong-Drive® SD Connector screws. This versatile post base makes a cost-effective option for securing a post to the foundation. |
The RPBZ retrofit post base is designed to reinforce existing posts and columns. The single, versatile model will fit on any size post consisting of a double 2x4 or larger. RPBZ can also be used to reinforce new post-base connections, such as braced carports, patio covers, decks and other structures. The RPBZ can be installed with the CPS composite plastic standoff to meet a 1" post standoff code requirement. A single RPBZ can be installed on a post that is flush to a corner, and two RPBZs can be installed at away-from-edge conditions to fortify the post-base connection to resist both wind and seismic forces. |
$4.73 |
Post Cap |
Adjustable Post Cap |
Deck Joist Tie |
BC40(60) |
LPC4(6)Z |
DJT14Z |
The BC post base is designed to connect a post to a wood supporting member. The 18-gauge material of this post base makes it ideal for light-duty connections. The BC provides uplift and lateral resistance and includes sizes for both nominal and rough lumber. |
The LPCZ is designed for a variety of connections between a 4x or 6x beam and a post. This versatile, light post cap has an adjustable design that allows for connection versatility in both new and retrofit applications where structural support is needed. The LPCZ has a ZMAX® coating, a thicker galvanized finish that helps to extend the service life of the connector. |
The DJT14Z deck joist tie is designed to attach 2x deck joists to the side of 4x or larger support posts. The DJT14Z can be installed with either nails or bolts. |
$2.20 |
Joist Hanger |
Concealed Joist Hanger |
Skewed Joist Hanger |
LUS24(26,28,210)Z |
LUC26(210)Z |
SUL26(210)Z (Left or Right) |
The LUS is an easy-to-install, economical hanger designed for common lumber sizes. This widely used hanger features double-shear nailing that distributes the load through two points on each joist nail for greater strength. This allows for fewer nails, faster installation and the use of all common nails for the same connection. |
The LUC is designed to provide support underneath the joist, rafter or beam to provide a strong connection. This face-mount hanger has concealed header flanges that make for cleaner visible lines in exposed conditions. The LUC is value engineered for strength and economy and provides for easier and faster installation. |
The SUR/L are 45°-skewed hangers designed to support solid sawn and engineered wood products used in wood construction. These U-shaped hangers encapsulate the top flange of the joist, so no web stiffeners are required for standard installation. The SUR and SUL hangers are identical except that they are skewed 45° to the right (SUR) and the left (SUL), respectively. |
Deck Tension Tie |
Single Side Hurricane Tie |
1-Piece Hurricane Tie |
H2.5AZ |
H1AZ |
DTT tension ties are safe, cost-effective connectors designed to meet or exceed code requirements for deck construction. These versatile DTT connectors are also load rated as a holdown for light-duty shearwalls and braced-wall panel applications. |
The H2.5A single-sided hurricane tie is designed to resist moderate loads at the rafter/truss-to-top-plate connection. As part of a continuous load path, the H2.5A resists both lateral and uplift loads. The symmetrical design eliminates the need for separate right and left parts. |
The H1A provides a connection between the truss or rafter and the wall of the structure that helps resist wind and seismic forces. The H1A is designed for nominal 2x lumber. These U-shaped hurricane ties provide faster installation than using two single-sided ties. The embossments add stiffness in crucial areas for improved performance. |
$3.08 |
$0.52 |
$1.25 |
Adjustable Stair Stringer |
Staircase Angle Connector |
Click For More Info |
The LSC adjustable stair-stringer connector offers a versatile, concealed connection between the stair stringer and the carrying header or rim board while replacing costly framing. Field slopeable to all common stair stringer pitches, the LSC connector is suitable for either solid or notched stringers. |
For use in structurally sound staircase framing. The TA eliminates costly conventional notching. |
LSCZ - $2.40 |
TA9(10)Z-R |